Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bad Blogger!

In case you haven't noticed, I have stopped blogging.  Lol.  I haven't found the taking of the pictures to be hard, I have found the gosh darn blogging to be the hard part!  I wish I could have kept up with it, but I didn't, and I am more than likely not going to.  I just wanted to stop by and thank everyone who followed me and my pictures for the last year!!  We are almost done!  Well, with this year at least.  I do plan on continuing this project next year, but I think i might do the P52 instead.  That way I can focus on a couple pics for the week, instead of having to use a billion pics of the dogs or late night bowls of cereal.

When i eventually do finish my LO's for 2010 I will make sure to post everything here.  I am gonna try again with the weekly blog updates for next year, so if you plan on participating in this project again next year let me know so I can be on the lookout for your pictures as well!

Have an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!  =)


  1. I think I'm going to try P52 next year too. I was having a hard time getting photos - and I'm sure Bailey being here will make it even harder lol

  2. You did a great job though Tanya!

  3. I enjoyed all the photos of your dogs! they are cute! I am so surprised that I keep up with the P365 but good luck next year with whatever you decide!

  4. Tanya,
    I loved coming here and seeing all your pictures from this yr. I had wondered if you stopped doing this. I plan on doing it again for my 3rd yr in a row. Its hard sometimes, but I truly love looking back at my yr. Hope you will follow along with me.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Been poking around 365 blogs to try and get inspired again for next year. I've noticed a theme...everybody loses steam about July or August. I didn't post to my blog but to a Flickr account. I love the idea of a P52. That just might be the answer to all of our dilemmas. Congrats on posting as long as you did!
